Frontend Development Server

(see also: Backend Development Server)

You have the ability to only run a frontend development server that will proxy all API requests to Sentry's production servers. In order to do so, run the following command:

yarn dev-ui

The development server can be viewed at https://localhost:7999 where you can then login with your credentials. Note that SSO-logins will NOT work. Alternatively, you may use our Cookie Sync browser extension to sync your session cookies into your dev server host.


"Your connection is not private"

If you see an error similar to the below when accessing the development server:

your connection is not private example

You can either grant a temporary exception in your browser, or create and install a local certificate and use your OS to mark them as "trusted". The instructions below will show you how to create and install a local certificate.

We will be using mkcert to create and install a locally-trusted, development certificate. The following will install mkcert and then create and install the local certificates.

brew install mkcert
brew install nss # if you use Firefox
yarn mkcert-localhost

You can now run the dev server with yarn dev-ui and open https://localhost:7999. There should not see a warning about your connection not being private. You should also see a lock or similar icon in the address bar of your browser.

lock icon in address bar

NOTE: For Firefox users that use the master password you will be prompted for it with this message: "Enter Password or Pin for "NSS Certificate DB":"

NOTE: Webpack outputs the IP from where the SPA is being served (e.g. Do not use it or you will still get the message above. The generated local certificates are only for localhost, and Any of these values would work.

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